Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an extensively researched, effective psychotherapy method that is proven to help people recover from trauma and PTSD symptoms as well as disorders such as anxiety, depression, OCD, chronic pain, addictions, and other distressing life experiences.
The clever science behind EMDR therapy is based upon two things:
1. Our brains are pretty terrible at knowing the difference between real and imagined experiences. When we visualize an experience, we fire up just the same neural pathways in our brains as we do when we actually live it.
2. The way memories are stored and processed in our brain is linked to the movement of our eyes (think REM sleep, during which we process heaps of information) and this in turn is linked to both sides of our brain, and the bringing together of logic and emotion.
It's the combination of these principles - along with extensive training and experience - that allows your therapist to use bilateral stimulation to guide you through the reprocessing of past traumatic events. Removing blockages and transforming the associated emotions and feelings.
The bilaterally stimulating eye movement in typical EMDR can also be sparked by methods like walking, tapping and - a personal favourite of mine - equine therapy.
On my retreats we use EMDR in a variety of ways. We use it in pairs, we use it in the most beautiful settings, and we surround ourselves with nature. Encountering everything from trees and oceans, to animals and their babies have been beside us in our sessions. EMDR on retreat has not only elicited feelings of joy from the guests, but the real sense of levitation and visits from mother mary and deceased loved ones have also been described.
As for the horses - WOW - we spend time with them on every single retreat and they are 1000lbs of incredible bilateral rhythmic movement that provides a full body, full sensory experience. Not only that, but their innate need to connect guides us through our processing with real time feedback as to what degree we are present and attached to our connection.
What's really incredible about EMDR is that it's actually led by the client and their own emotional processes, meaning that the success not only provides relief but is hugely empowering too.
If you'd like to learn more about my retreats, EMDR, and equine experiences just click here.